Malone sighed. “Maybe you’d better tell me about it from the beginning. First, though, I want to apologize to you.”
“Why? Were you shooting at me?”
“For letting you go out there on a wild-goose chase.”
Jake stared at him for a minute and then began to laugh. “It was no wild-goose chase. I found everything I needed for a good murder, except for one item that’s been consistently missing. The corpse.”
He began at the beginning and told the lawyer the whole story. When he finished, Malone was silent for a while, half hidden in a cloud of blue cigar smoke, and deep in thought.
“你确定她说 —— 她丈夫的坟墓?”
“You’re sure she said—her husband’s grave?”
“Positive. She spoke of it several times. At first I thought she’d gone off the rails. But the grave really was there.”
“她很正常,没错。” 马龙忧郁地说,“但我开始怀疑我自己是否正常了。” 他又叹了口气。“我们去和罗斯?麦克劳林谈谈吧。他现在应该可以醒来了。”
“She’s sane all right,” Malone said gloomily, “but I’m beginning to wonder if I am.” He sighed again. “Let’s go talk to Ross McLaurin. He ought to be fit to wake up by now.”
He led the way down the hall to the other room.
“他昨晚过得很糟糕。” 马龙说,“但我觉得他现在应该可以上手术台了。” 他看着海伦,又痛苦地补充道,“下次你给我找个客户的时候,我希望你能找个清醒点的。”
“He had a bad night,” Malone said, “but I think he ought to be ready for the operating table.” He looked at Helene and added bitterly, “The next time you find me a client, I wish you’d find a sober one.”
他把钥匙插进 1106 房间的门锁,轻轻打开了门。罗斯?麦克劳林还躺在床上,眼睛闭着,年轻的脸庞很苍白。
He slipped a key into the door of room 1106 and opened it softly. Ross McLaurin still lay in bed, his eyes closed, his young face pale.
“帅哥。” 杰克评价道。
“Handsome guy,” Jake mented.
The young man in the bed stirred faintly, moaned a little, and opened his eyes. He opened and closed them several times, at last focusing his gaze on the tall, slender blonde girl beside his bed.
“你好。” 他愉快地说。他的声音带有一种模糊的外国口音。“是你把我带到这儿来的吗?你真是太好了。但我这是在哪儿?我是怎么到这儿来的?”
“How do you do?” he said pleasantly. His voice had a vaguely foreign sound. “Did you bring me here? Ever so good of you. But where am I, and how did I get here?”
Helene sat down on the edge of the bed and took one of his hands in both of hers.
“你不记得了吗?” 她温柔地说,“我们一开始是一起去喝一杯的。我把你带到这儿是因为我怕警察会把你抓走。这位马龙先生是个律师,是这个城市里最好的辩护律师。”
“Don’t you remember?” she said softly. “We started out to get a drink together. I brought you here because I was afraid the police would pick you up. Mr. Malone here is a lawyer, the best defense lawyer in the city.”
Ross McLaurin frowned. “Police? Lawyer? What do I need a lawyer for? Have I done anything wrong?”
马龙俯身在床边。“你不记得跟这位年轻女士说过你犯了两起谋杀案吗?” 他温和地问道。
Malone leaned over the bed. “Don’t you remember telling this young lady about the two murders you mitted?” he asked gently.
这个年轻人从床上坐起来,眼睛睁得大大的。“谋杀?你在说什么呀?” 他盯着他们看了一会儿,然后笑了起来。“这是个愚蠢的玩笑。我这辈子从没杀过人。”
The young man sat up in bed, his eyes wide. “Murders? What are you talking about?” He stared at them for a moment, and then laughed. “This is some stupid kind of joke. I never murdered anybody in my life.”