The little lawyer blinked at the telephone.
“How’s that again?”
“Wait till I tell you what I ran into out there. I’m phoning from the drugstore downstairs, and I’ll be up to see you inside of five minutes.”
Before Malone could say a word, he heard the receiver click at the other end of the line.
His mind, still dazed from sleep, could only cope with one thing at a time. Jake was ing up here. That wouldn’t do. Helene might be along at any minute, to find out if Ross McLaurin was in talking condition. Somehow he must get Jake away from here, and in a hurry.
As if to confirm his worst fears, just as he was adjusting his suspenders, the phone rang again. It was Helene.
“Malone? I’m down in the lobby. I’ll be right up.”
“等一下 ——”
“Wait a minute—”
But she had hung up.
When Jake and Helene opened the door to the little lawyer’s room, they found him sitting on the edge of his bed, his eyes shut tight, and his fingers in his ears.
马龙胆怯地睁开一只眼睛,说:“我看你们已经见过面了。” 然后又闭上了。
Malone opened one eye timidly, said, “I see you’ve met before,” and closed it again.
“我们在枫树公园见过,你这个可恶的老骗子。” 海伦愤怒地说,“你不能怪我想让你难受一下,因为你这样欺骗我们。”
“We met out in Maple Park, you damned old fraud,” Helene said indignantly. “You can’t blame me for wanting to give you a bad moment for deceiving us like this.”
He opened both eyes, glanced at their faces, and was reassured by what he saw there.
“而且,” 杰克接着说,“我们还是会赢得和莫娜?麦克莱恩打的那个赌。我们还有一个附加赌注,看谁先赢,但我才不会告诉你赌注是什么呢。”
“What’s more,” Jake added, “we’re still going to win that bet with Mona McClane. We have a side bet, too, on who will win it first, but I’m damned if I’ll tell you what it is.”
Malone decided not to press his luck. He changed the subject.
“What did you run into, out in Maple Park?”
“除了海伦,” 杰克说,“很多事。” 他的眼睛里闪着明亮而兴奋的光芒,“那个混蛋朝我开枪。不管有没有赌注,我现在都不会放弃。”
“Besides Helene,” Jake said, “plenty.” A bright, glittering light came into his eyes. “That bastard, shooting at me. Bet or no bet, I wouldn’t give up now.”
Malone located a bottle of gin under his bed. He was feeling very guilty over having sent Jake out to Blake County and decided to drown remorse as quickly as possible.
“他也想朝我开枪。” 那个红头发的人说。
“He meant to shoot at me, too,” the red-haired man said.