Jake felt the ice-cold fingers tighten on his hand. He looked at her closely. Her white face was motionless, her eyelids closed. Again the fingers tightened, ever so quickly. He gave a faint pressure in return and rose to his feet.
“她会没事的。” 杰克坚定地说。“只是有点中暑。” 他拿出一块已经潮湿的手帕擦了擦额头。“就让她在这里休息一会儿,她就会好的。她时不时会有这样的情况。”
“She’ll be all right,” Jake said firmly. “Just a touch of the sun.” He took out an already damp handkerchief and mopped his brow. “Just let her rest here a minute, and she’ll be all right. She has these spells now and then.”
To his great relief, the spectators retreated into the hall, leaving him with alone with Helene. He dropped into a chair beside her.
“到底怎么回事?” 他低声愤怒地问道。
“What the hell’s the idea?” he whispered fiercely.
“杰克,我必须离开那群人。” 她低声回答,眼睛仍然闭着。“我必须和你谈谈。”
“Jake, I had to get out of that crowd,” she whispered back, without opening her eyes. “I had to talk to you.”
“Well, go ahead. We are, to coin a phrase, alone at last.”
She opened her eyes wide and stared at him. “A man’s been murdered, and everybody just stands around and looks silly.”
“They’re just shocked, so they act natural.”
“Jake, let’s get out of here. Let’s get out quick and get in the car and be halfway to the next town before anyone can say ‘Boo.’ ”
“And have every police car in Jackson County looking for us because we beat it? Besides, we never could get out through that corridor without being stopped. A couple of these boys look as if they could say ‘Boo’ fast.”
“我不喜欢这里。” 她固执地说。
“I don’t like it here,” she said stubbornly.
“你的观点有道理。然而,过一会儿他们就会想起前参议员佩维利与我们毫无关系。我们只是碰巧在大楼里,这时有人杀了他。那个治安官一到,我们就可以告诉他我们所看到的,然后离开。” 这是个精彩的给自己壮胆的表演。
“Your point is well taken. However, in a little while they’ll remember that ex-Senator Peveley was nothing to us. We just happened to be in the building when somebody bumped him off. As soon as that sheriff gets here, we can tell him what we saw, and then go.” It was a magnificent performance of whistling in the dark.
She sighed and was silent.
Jake rose, walked to the window, and looked out. There was a broad expanse of bright-green lawn and, beyond it, what he guessed to be the jail. It was an ugly angular building of yellow brick, with barred and recessed windows. Near by a small Civil War cannon stood in front of an indignant and unpleasant-looking cast-iron soldier. Jake wondered if it had been put there to scare people away from the jail.
“雨下得像倾盆而下的干草叉和锤子柄。” 他评论道。就在他说话的时候,一根大树枝从一棵巨大的老榆树上折断,从窗前吹过。
“It’s raining pitchforks and hammer handles,” he mented. Just as he spoke, a great branch broke away from one of the immense old elm trees and blew past the window.
“我希望那只是风。” 海伦虚弱地说。
“I hope that was only the wind,” Helene said faintly.
Across the lawn Jake saw the door to the jail building open, and a stocky, red-faced man e out. He stood there for a moment, looking at the rain, then began running the length of the path that led to the courthouse. Halfway there his hat blew off, he stopped briefly to retrieve it, and went on running.
“治安官来了。” 杰克说。“假装你好得足以回到那里去。” 他又说,“感谢上帝,现在有人在这里,他知道该怎么做 —— 我希望如此!”
“Here es the sheriff,” Jake said. “Pretend you’re well enough to go back out there.” He added, “Thank God somebody’s here now who knows what to do-I hope!”
He put an arm around Helene as though supporting her, and led her back into the corridor. The body of ex-Senator Peveley still lay where it had fallen. The spectators were standing around, whispering, in awed little groups. Everyone turned to look curiously at Helene.
Just as Jake and Helene reached the hall, the great door at its east end opened suddenly, letting in a gust of wind and rain and the stocky, red-faced man. The little janitor, Buttonholes, rushed forward to help close the door and looked regretfully at the pool of muddy water on the tile floor.
A new wave of tense expectancy greeted the sheriff’s arrival. They watched him with the respect due authority in the situation.
The sheriff walked the length of the corridor on tiptoe, his hat in his hand. No one spoke to him. He bent down for a moment next to the body, looking at the stain on the white linen coat. When he straightened up again, the color was draining from his face.
“他被谋杀了!” 治安官惊讶地说。他沉默了一会儿。“没错,他被谋杀了。我们得叫警察!”
“He’s been murdered!” the sheriff said in a startled voice. He was silent a moment. “That’s right, he’s been murdered. We’ve gotta call the police!”