Just beyond Howard Street, Malone said, “I don’t know any of these north-side cops very well. Take the outer drive and go like hell down to Chicago Avenue.”
Helene carried out instructions to the letter. At Chicago Avenue, as they turned west, Jake caught his breath for the third time in sixy blocks.
“Drive past Clark Street,” Malone said, “turn left, and you’ll find an alley halfway down the block. We’ll get out there.”
It was exactly half-past three by the clock on the dashboard when they turned into the alley. Ross McLaurin, still unconscious, was lifted out of the hearse and laid on the pavement. Malone gave Harry Kowalke his card and said, “Send me a bill. Take the rest of the rye to drink on the way home.”
“And thanks,” Jake added.
Harry Kowalke said, “Anything for a pal,” got in the hearse, and drove away.
Malone examined the young man, saw that his breathing was a little more regular and his pulse stronger.
“Now,” he said, “Jake, you beat it up to the nearest phone and call the Chicago Avenue police station. We’ve been out looking for this guy since midnight, and just found him lying in an alley. I’ll stay here with him till you get back.”
While Jake was gone, he squatted down beside the still figure. Ross McLaurin’s face was expressionless and pale, the color of chalk. Suddenly he gasped, seemed to choke a little, and opened his eyes.
“You’re O. K.,” Malone said, vaguely and helpfully.
The look in the young man’s eyes changed to one of recognition. “I remember now. You’re—Malone.”
“That’s me,” the lawyer said.
“Don’t try to talk,” Helene said, bending over the young man.
“I remember,” Ross McLaurin whispered. “I followed—the man who was killed—up the alley near the parking lot—near the Sherman Hotel.” He drew a slow, painful breath. “He didn’t want me—with him—but I wanted to help him—find you. I saw him—killed. I thought I did it myself. But I know now—I didn’t—”
“And the other one?” Malone said quietly.
“I—didn’t kill him. I went into his room and—found him dead.”
“Helene knelt down beside him. “What happened to you this afternoon, Ross?”
“I remembered—what I’ve just told you. I wanted to—find you—or that girl—or someone—and tell—” His breath began to e slowly. “We—were going out to find you—and then—” He paused.
“Go on,” Malone said hoarsely. “Who stabbed you?”
Ross McLaurin’s white lips formed a word, but no sound came. His blue eyes met the lawyer’s in one brief glance, and closed as gently as the folding of a bird’s wing.