第115章 卷11

马龙探案卷四 之 正确的凶案 十一

“…… 据着名律师约翰?J?马龙称,悲剧发生时他恰好在那所房子里。人们认为图伊兹是入室盗窃的受害者。丹尼尔?冯?弗拉纳根队长承诺会尽早将凶手捉拿归案……”

“… according to John J. Malone, prominent attorney, who happened to be in the house at the time of the tragedy. It is believed that Tuesday was the victim of a burglar. Captain Daniel von Flanagan promises an early arrest.…”


Jake Justus crumpled up the paper and threw it on the floor. “It’s unbelievable how they go on falling for that old burglary gag after all these years.”


Malone poured an inch of rye into his glass. “Hell, von Flanagan had to tell the papers something. He could hardly say, ‘There were a bunch of people in the house when this Tuesday guy got knocked off, but I’m damned if I know which one to pick.’”


He sipped his rye and reviewed in his mind the floor plans of the McClane mansion. There was the big staircase that went up from the central hall. Gerald Tuesday’s room had been at the head of it, in a little ell, with its door toward the stairs. Helene’s room was down the hall to the right. Lotus Allen’s room was across from it, and Louella White’s next door. Ross McLaurin’s was down at the end of the hall, just past the little staircase that ended near the side door. Pendley Tidewell’s darkroom was at the very end of the hall, toward the rear. Those five had been upstairs when Gerald Tuesday was killed.

楼下 —— 他叹了口气,又把杯子倒满。还有时间因素要考虑。海伦在他们到达后不久看到图伊兹还活着,坐在他的书桌前。那是四点过五分的时候。她刚下楼,女仆就被派去图伊兹的房间,发现他死了。那是四点二十五分的时候。在图伊兹被杀的这二十分钟里,莫娜?麦克莱恩在楼下,他和她在同一个房间,海伦、罗特斯?艾伦、年轻的麦克劳林、泰德韦尔和卢埃拉?怀特在楼上。迈克尔?文宁和伊迪丝?文宁夫妇在那段时间的大部分时间里都在外面的大道上散步。他们进来的时候,他自己也听到了,他们直接走进了客厅,没有上楼。


Downstairs—He sighed, and refilled his glass. There was the time element to consider, too. Helene had seen Tuesday alive, sitting at his desk, just after their arrival. That had been at five minutes after four. She had just e downstairs when the maid was sent to Tuesday’s room and found him dead. That had been at twenty-five minutes after four. During those twenty minutes in which Tuesday had been killed, Mona McClane had been downstairs—he had been in the same room with her—Helene, Lotus Allen, young McLaurin, Tidewell, and Louella White had been upstairs. The Vennings had been out walking on the Drive during most of that time. When they came in—he had heard them himself—they had e straight into the living room, without going upstairs.


Jake interrupted his reverie, asking very casually, “You haven’t heard anything from Helene, have you?”


“Would you expect me to hear from Helene?”


Jake turned faintly pink and said. “Well, I thought she might have sent you a postcard from Havana.”

“她可能还没时间,” 马龙告诉他,“你知道那些古巴人是什么样的。”

“She probably hasn’t had time,” Malone told him. “You know what those Cubans are.”


Keeping Helene’s name out of the newspaper accounts of the murder had taken a little doing, but Malone had managed it. He considered it well worth the effort.


The little lawyer had e to a very positive conviction about the situation. The rock in Jake and Helene’s progress had been pride, which was not only a sin, but a lot of damned foolishness. However, there it was. If, he reasoned, they could be kept from running into each other too soon, everything would be all right. In the meantime, keeping them apart was going to be a tricky business, which was just the kind of business he liked.



Jake scowled at the newspaper. “Who are all these people?”


Malone drew a long breath. “Even you ought to be familiar with the Venning estate. Michael Venning is the Venning estate. He’s never done anything for it except cash the checks. Just returned to this country for his first visit in twenty years. Been living in the Orient—India, Singapore, Shanghai—because he liked it there. Big, beefy guy, looks as though he might have an ugly temper and no brains worth mentioning. His wife is a tall, graceful dame with a figure like a very beautiful horse. Looks like Lady Macbeth with a bad hang-over. Can’t figure if she has this granite-puss nurse just to keep her pany or because she’s a dopey. She’s of the Putnams, of Lake Forest and Charlevoix.”


Jake made an insulting, clucking noise with his teeth and said, “We could bill you as Genevieve Malone and get you a job writing society columns. Hand me the bottle and go on with your story.”


“The McLaurin boy was still passed out when I left. Good-looking even when cockeyed, in an appealingly revolting sort of 方式。He was the only child of the sort of dame who buys six pairs of British-made shoes, finds a nice island in the Mediterranean, and lives there the rest of her life. He was brought up there and in swanky private schools. Mamma kicked the bucket about a year ago, and the cutting of the apron strings was a nasty sock. Mona McClane was a close pal of his old lady, so she’s taken him under her wing.”



Jake muttered something to the effect that anyone under Mona McClane’s wing had better have a parachute along, and said, “Don’t let me interrupt you. How about this Lotus Allen?”


“She’s the sort of expensive Massachusetts girl who instinctively wears the right clothes on every occasion. Damned good-looking, in a restrained sort of way. Imported tweeds, hand-knit sweaters, sport scarves, and black chiffon underwear. The sort of girl who wouldn’t seem like a prig if she didn’t drink, but she does, and she probably spits and swears, too.”

“你和她约会了吗?” 杰克问。

“Did you make a date with her?” Jake asked.


Malone said, “She has her eye on McLaurin. I suspected that’s why she’s visiting Mona McClane.”

“这就把嫌疑人都列出来了,” 杰克说。“那么这个尸体是谁?除了杰拉尔德?图伊兹先生的名字之外。”

“That does up the suspects,” Jake said. “Now who was the corpse? Outside of being a Mr. Gerald Tuesday.”

“似乎没人知道,” 马龙说,“包括莫娜?麦克莱恩。几年前她在欧洲的某个地方,猜是巴黎,见过他。在那儿认识的。某个共同的朋友写信告诉莫娜他要来芝加哥,她就和他取得了联系并邀请他到她家做客。这就是大家所知道的一切。毕竟,他刚到这个城市,除了莫娜?麦克莱恩,房子里没人见过他。冯?弗拉纳根现在为了了解他的情况都快急疯了。”

“Nobody seems to know,” Malone said, “including Mona McClane. She’d met him somewhere in Europe a few years ago—Paris, I guess. Got acquainted with him there. Some mutual friend wrote Mona that he was ing to Chicago, and she got in contact with her him and invited him to stay with her. That’s about all anyone knows. After all, he’d just arrived in town, and nobody in the house had met him except Mona McClane. Von Flanagan’s losing his mind trying to find out about him now”

杰克皱起眉头。“他的被杀不符合莫娜的赌注条件。但肯定有某种联系。他是在她家里被谋杀的。他临死前还试图给你打电话。显然他知道那个赌约。” 杰克深吸一口气说,“我想和莫娜谈谈。我想我现在就去那儿。”


Jake scowled. “His murder doesn’t fulfill the terms of Mona’s bet. But there must be some connection. He was murdered in her house. His dying act was to try to telephone you. Evidently he knew about the bet.” Jake drew a long breath and said, “I want to talk to Mona. I think I’ll go over there right now.”

马龙不由自主地叫道:“哦,不,你不能那么做。” 然后突然停了下来。

Involuntarily Malone exclaimed, “Oh no, you can 不能那么做,然后突然停了下来。


“Why can’t I go to see Mona McClane?”

“她受到了惊吓。” 马龙赶紧说。

“She’s suffering from shock,” Malone said quickly.


“You’re full of little bananas. That woman wouldn’t suffer from shock after a mass dynamiting.”


“She’s just had a murder in her house. That’s bound to be a little upsetting.”


“All right, so she’s upset. You always said yourself you could get more out of people by talking with them when they were upset.”


“It’s late and I’m tired.”


“It’s nine o’clock, and if you’re that tired, I’ll go alone.”

“不,不,不,” 马龙说。“如果你坚持要去,我和你一起去。” 他快速地思考着。这场游戏在这么早的时候就让杰克在莫娜?麦克莱恩家碰到海伦,可能会危及他们将来和解的机会。而且如果杰克发现海伦在这个城市而他却被蒙在鼓里,那麻烦可就大了,而马龙就是将为此付出代价的那个人。

“No, no, no,” Malone said. “If you insist on going, I’ll go with you.” He was thinking fast. For Jake to run into Helene at Mona McClane’s so early in the game might imperil the chances of a future reconciliation. And if Jake discovered that Helene’s presence in the city had been kept from him, there would be hell to pay, with Malone on the paying end.


He went on thinking fast all the way down in the elevator. There was no way he could get Helene out of the McClane house. He could hardly explain the situation to Mona McClane, even if he could manage a private telephone call on the way.



They hailed a taxi in front of the apartment hotel and Jake gave the Lake Shore Drive address of Mona McClane. Malone leaned forward and said, “But first, driver, go to Rickett’s.”


Jake said, “What’s the idea?”


“I haven’t had any dinner yet. Mona’s Scotch on top of an empty stomach, and I’d fall flat on my face. We’ll get some food first, and then go and have a long talk with her.”


Jake sighed heavily, and leaned back against the cushions. It seemed good to be out of the apartment he had taken for his and Helene’s return to the city. Not that it wasn’t a nice apartment, but it was too damned reminiscent. All in all, it had been a dreary day.


“Do you want to hear what I found out about the Chicago homicides of the past three weeks?”

“以后再说。” 马龙说。