“好吧。” 马龙不高兴地说,“但我不会待很久。” 他戴上帽子,穿上大衣,徒劳地试图把领带弄直。他在接待室停了一下,说:“玛吉,回家吧。”
“Well,” Malone said crossly, “but I won’t stay long.” He put on his hat and overcoat and made an ineffectual effort to straighten his tie. He paused in the anteroom to say, “Maggie, go home.”
The black-haired girl looked at him silently and disapprovingly.
“别跟我说我应该待在办公室处理业务。这两天我们唯一的业务就是冯?弗拉纳根打来的电话。” 他带着海伦冲向电梯。
“And don’t tell me I ought to stay in the office and tend to business. The only business we’ve had in two days has been phone calls from von Flanagan.” He swept Helene out to the elevator.
In the taxi he asked, “What kind of house guests has Mona McClane?”
“Assorted. A little brown-haired wench named Lotus Allen. Really named Lotus. The perfect Eastern debutante. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Venning, just back from the Orient. You know the Venning family, He’s very dull, but she’s rather sweet. She has a lady panion named Louella White who looks like a trainer for wrestlers and knits like a machine, nothing but gray sweaters. Then there’s a young man named Pendley Tidewell. I’ll let you find out about him for yourself. There’s another young man, Ross McLaurin, but I don’t know much about him because he’s been on a drunk since New Year’s. Oh, and a Mr. Tuesday, whom I haven’t met. He just came today. Mona said she especially wanted you to meet him.”
“I don’t know. He sounds rather mysterious and interesting to me.”
Malone grunted, and stared out the window at a dreary vista of early January mud. The afternoon didn’t look promising, except for Mona McClane. He wished Jake were along. Jake, and a quart of rye.
出租车把他们送到湖滨大道麦克莱恩大厦的入口处,在马龙看来,这里总是像一个高档殡仪馆和一座 1880 年的政府大楼的结合体。海伦按了门铃,说:“我一个人的时候就用莫娜给住家客人的钥匙从侧门进去,但你是客人。”
The cab left them at the entrance of the McClane mansion on Lake Shore Drive that, to Malone, was always like a bination of a high-class undertaking parlor and an 1880 government building. Helene pushed the bell and said, “When I’m alone I use the key Mona gives her house guests and go in the side door, but you’re pany.”
A trim colored maid opened the door and told them that Mona McClane was in the living room.
Helene said, “I’m going up to change my dress. Go on in and talk to Mona. I’ll be right down.”
She disappeared up the ornately carved and decorated stairway. Malone stood for a moment in the hall, looking after her. For some reason he could not explain, he felt unfortable and unhappy about being in this house. Perhaps it was that on his first visit he had e with Jake and Helene, a few days after their marriage. Now Helene was here, believing Jake still in Bermuda, and Jake was here, believing Helene to be in Havana, and each of them refusing to talk about the other.
Or perhaps it was because on his last visit to this house he had stood in this very hall and watched a murderer make a last, desperate, and unsuccessful break for escape. He told himself that was the reason, and all the time he knew that wasn’t it. It might have been a feeling in his bones, it might have been some heightened perception developed from years of contact with those who had broken the law, it might have been some inexplicable premonition, but whatever it was, he knew that the old McClane mansion had not yet given up its last tragedy.
He was, he told himself, a damned superstitious Irishman, and he went on into the living room.